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Valencia High color guard presenting NM and U.S. flags

Chain of Command

  • Lieutenant Colonel L. Salazar (Battalion Commander)
  • Command Sergeant Major J. Esquibel (Command Sergeant Major)
  • Cadet Major D. Pugh (XO)
  • Cadet Captain C. Jackson (S1)
  • Cadet Captain M. Bonahoom (S2)
  • Cadet Major M. Johnston (S3)
  • Cadet Captain S. Miller (S4)
  • Cadet Captain E. Esquibel (S5)
  • Cadet Captain J. Smith (S6)
  • Cadet 1st Lieutenant J. Traganos SPO (Tech)
  • Cadet 1st Lieutenant A. Gurule SPO (Log)


I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.

I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets.

I am loyal and patriotic.

I am the future of the United States of America.

I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.

I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.

I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.

I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.

May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
